2/10 Mirrors

You must:

make full and effective use of all the mirrors.

check the mirrors carefully.

Before signalling,

Changing direction

Changing speed

use the (MSM) ‘mirror - signal - manoeuvre’ routine effectively.

Any mistakes you make in this area when changing direction will be Marked under the ‘Mirrors - Change direction’ fault on your driving test result.

2.1 Not using mirrors when exiting a roundabout,

you need to take the right-hand exit on a large multi-lane roundabout. When you move from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane to exit the roundabout, you make no rear or passenger-side mirror checks.

Why. If you just swing your car or pull your vehicle in front of the other vehicles, if they don’t have time to react, you can have a very bad accident


it is necessary you must look into the mirrors before signal and before changing lane. Now you need to do both. as you are in the roundabout, because of the angle on the roundabout both mirrors (rear and side), will not show you any vehicle on your side, best option is to have a quick glance over the left shoulder.

2.2 Causing a vehicle to slow when changing lanes on a dual carriageway.

When you’re on a dual carriageway, you check your mirrors when changing lanes, but there’s a vehicle approaching in the lane you want to move into. You start to change lanes, anyway, causing the approaching vehicle to slow down.

Why. If you just pull in front of the other vehicle and they don’t have chance to slow down, it can be very dangerous.

Remedy: when you overtake and want to come back to the left-hand lane, make sure the object vehicle you want to come in front of, Front of the car should be visible in your rear-view mirror, and you must have a signal left to let them know you are changing the lane.

2.3 Trying to change lane on a roundabout when a vehicle is directly alongside.

When you’re driving on a roundabout, you try to change lanes when there’s a vehicle directly alongside you. The driving examiner must take control of the steering wheel to stop a collision.

Why it can be dangerous manoeuvre. Examiner needs to take the control. It means you are not independent and safe driver yet.

Remedy: how you can avoid this situation, as you are in the roundabout, because of the angle on the roundabout both mirrors (rear and side), will not show you any vehicle on your side, best option is to have a quick glance over the left shoulder.

2.4 Exiting a roundabout.

When you exit a roundabout, you do not check your mirrors and cut across the path of a closely following vehicle to the left-hand side of the car.

Why it can be dangerous manoeuvre. Examiner needs to take the control. It means you are not independent and safe driver yet

Remedy: it is necessary you must look into the mirrors before signal and before changing lane. Now you need to do both. as you are in the roundabout, because of the angle on the roundabout both mirrors (rear and side), will not show you any vehicle on your side, best option is to have a quick glance over the left shoulder.

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