Not responding appropriately to traffic lights

You must act correctly at traffic lights, checking that the road is clear before you proceed when the green light shows.

Any mistakes you make in this area will be counted under the ‘Response to signs - Traffic lights’ fault on your driving test result.

Failing to react to red traffic light

When a red light is clearly showing, you attempt to proceed through the junction.

Stopping after the first white line when there are advanced stop lines for cyclists

At a signal-controlled junction with an advanced stop line to allow cyclists to be positioned ahead of other traffic, you stop beyond the first white line in the area for cyclists.

Not progressing when you’re waiting to turn right at a junction and it’s safe to proceed

When you need to turn right at a junction, you continue to wait in the middle of the junction when the repeater light has turned red and the oncoming traffic has stopped. This causes you to completely block the junction controlled by traffic lights.

Not going ahead when a green light is showing and the junction ahead is clear

When a green light or a green filter light is clearly visible, you continue to wait at a clear junction. You make no attempt to proceed.

Going ahead when a green light is showing but the junction is not clear

When the traffic lights are green, you go ahead, even though the junction is not clear. This then means you’re then blocking the junction when the traffic lights change.

Driving safety facts

There were 1,308 reported accidents in Great Britain in 2019 caused by drivers disobeying traffic lights.

Source: Contributory factors for reported road accidents

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